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In order to enroll in CNA classes in Columbia SC a person needs to have reached the minimum age of 18 and have successfully completed high school or acquired their GED certificate by taking the GED test. If a candidate satisfies these requirements and is able to successfully complete a background screening as well, they may then enroll in a CNA programs in Columbia South Carolina to learn CNA skills and prepare for the Pearson Vue exam. In South Carolina the state nursing board does not regulate the licensing and testing of CNA students, Pearson Vue handles the testing and processing of applications.

CNA Classes in Columbia SC

CNA Classes in Columbia South Carolina can be found at local technical or community colleges. Some of the local Red Cross sites also offer training, and even the Goodwill in South Carolina offers CNA programs which train individuals as Certified Nursing Assistants. Some of the cities that Goodwill offers CNA classes in are: Anderson South Carolina, Columbia South Carolina, Greenville South Carolina, Greenwood South Carolina, and Pickens South Carolina. CNA classes need to be a minimum of 80 course hours. A portion of these hours must be completed onsite in a medical setting under the supervision of South Carolina registered nurse (or RN). The majority of CNA class hours are spent in the classroom, and some lab hours may also be required depending on the program. CNA programs in Columbia SC may vary as far length and cost, so it may be wise to shop around before deciding on a particular program in your area of the state.

Pearson Vue CNA Test

Once the CNA classes Columbia SC class work is complete, South Carolina students need to pass the Pearson Vue CNA test. Students must register for a time and location to take their test in South Carolina. Often the CNA instructor of the program will assist students in signing up for the state test. The South Carolina CNA test itself involves a multiple choice section and a clinical trial section. The multiple choice section of the examination is a collection of straightforward questions on the information which was taught during your South Carolina CNA classes. The clinical section of the test requires a test taker to perform actual CNA skills in front of an examiner in order to prove mastery. After the test is passed, a person can apply for official CNA certification licensing to appear on the South Carolina CNA Registry.

For additional data on the Pearson Vue CNA Test, visit:

For specific requirements on CNA classes in Columbia SC, or your specific area, visit the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control website at:

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
2600 Bull Street,
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 898-DHEC (3432)